Saturday, October 24, 2009

WOW, I'm Good, I Just Cleaned My House It is Spotless, Should I Get a Job Cleaning the White House?

Please come and clean my place!
WOW, I'm Good, I Just Cleaned My House It is Spotless, Should I Get a Job Cleaning the White House?
Yeah! You're back! Where did you go? I missed you this past little while. Oh yeah, I'm as crazy as you are - and you better remember me buddy!
Reply:Cool. Could you please come over and clean my house. I need the feces scrubbed off the walls and ceilings.
Reply:OOO Ya and tell them that I sent you to apply there. You'll gets lot of money and you can share some with me. :P

If they let you down there is always a place you can go.... To my house (Minimum wage only)
Reply:YES. Clean the White House throughly getting rid of all the TRASH that currently resides there. You could become an American Hero!!
Reply:..and replace monica???.......
Reply:just make sure the toilet in the oral office is clean.
Reply:Hello Tracer. I'm glad we have a non-hateful spammer in our section. It's so much better. ;D
Reply:i have plenty of clothes that need washing and my dishwasher is full. how are you at ironing? show me how good you are. lol
Reply:Do you have mental problems?
Reply:Why ? Is it off white now ?

Rose P.
Reply:they're not hiring.
Reply:yes hon...go apply today

apply online hurry
Reply:Please come clean mine! My healing shoulder makes it hard for me to do by myself....(whine, whine, whine poor pitiful me)

I wish someone would 'clean out' the White house. Maybe in the November elections....
Reply:Yes, it is so cute how excited you get :)

good luck on your indevers

Reply:sure. anything is possible.
Reply:white house... no... try bill clinton.... he might give you a job but it's under the table. LoL

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