Monday, October 12, 2009

What is going on? Is Obama doing a great job of cleaning up after Geo Bush Jr.?

Your tax dollars at work: Bank of America forks over $2 million to ACORN. Thats a change I was wanting. Oh, and the “stimulus.” Generational Theft Act, Crap Sandwich Supreme, Porkulus, Spendulus, Debt Stimulus Plan. It’s all B.S. And Americans know it. I love this change also.
What is going on? Is Obama doing a great job of cleaning up after Geo Bush Jr.?
Obama is a very charismatic man and only time will tell. Actually my three year old granddaughter would not have made such a mess as George Bush. I will miss the old buffoon to be honest...We as a family often found ourselves laughing hysterically at him on a daily basis- what an idiot....though not at some of the war decisions he made. Obama may have well put many comedians out of a job now...there were so many jokes about appears there won't be much comedic material with Obama...well hopefully not anyway.
Reply:Not really. Its gotten to a point where the democrats are gaining too much power, I think there should always be an even balence, and Obama, while his goals are noble I guess, is shooting high. Everyone bags on bush tho... How can you expect someone to be a good president through all the stuff that happened. Anyway I hope Obama knows how to fix us, we need to get back on top again lol. (think of it this way: he wouldnt have won if he wasnt black. Not being racist, but if some white democrat went up against mccain, the fact that he was a pow alone would prolly gimmick him into office)
Reply:The truth is this is not a question that can be answer this year. It toll Bush jr four to six year to throw the mess around and the american people should give Obama at least four to six years to clean up that mess. No one gives a human baby 100 days to learn to walk when they can not even sit up. Obama is just a newbie, we must have faith that this country will get stronger and better because we have a leader who wants all people to see and feel the strength that comes for being an American. Only time will tell how great we can be as a nation again.

Obama is the worst thing to ever happen to america. If you mean cleaning up by means of the war then helll nooo. Obama wants to send troops to Afgahnistan and eventually Darfur.

Yes let us "spread the wealth" and become a socilist nation.. not.

What was the first thing he did?? Abortion. I am all pro choice but the fact that Obama's bill takes away the choice a doctor has to perform an abortion or not is truly the dumbest thing i have ever heard of. He is a mess and just wait everyone will see what a joke he is.
Reply:Yes, he is. Not only is he making good decisions, but people are taking a page from him and trying to stop benefiting the elite. He is a true leader
Reply:Obama is simply trying to convert us to ACCORN! A company of coruption!
Reply:NO. He does not know where they keep the vacuum in the White house.
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