Saturday, October 24, 2009

Have you ever done such a great job of cleaning your house?

that you were tempted to call up Better Homes and Gardens to take photos for their magazine because it looks so good?
Have you ever done such a great job of cleaning your house?
Oh yes...and I if a friend visits, I float around and wallow in their tell-tale look of "Gosh! It looks nice in here"
Reply:Wow ... Do you think you could get the "Creative Card-boarding" Magazine to come over and check out my Double-wide cardboard Fridge I would be so happy!!!

And they can see the improvements I've made to my cardboard toilet .... I can now get 18 uses before replacing it!
Reply:lol, i know they've already done a photo shoot at your place. please, i'm so jealous, the only magazine that would dare to come in mine is national wildlife.. : )
Reply:I am not sure if it is picture perfect but it is a warm home, comfortable, homely and indeed very tidy and clean especially in the main living rooms.
Reply:Yes, but don't open a closet or you will get clobbered. =)
Reply:nope, I doubt that will ever happen. I would rather hurry so I can get outside or cuddle up on the couch with a good movie....

All the time, but my kids mess it up before they get here!!
Reply:wait a minute

you need to clean your house???

that wasn't in the manual when I bought the damn thing.
Reply:Oh yes! And I like to go outside and come back in and try to view it from someone else's point of view.
Reply:no. i try as much as possible to avoid cleaning the house
Reply:I never have*
Reply:I've never been accused of being a good housekeeper.

Oh wait, there was a week in 1989......
Reply:Yep, about once a year!
Reply:No danger of that. ;-(
Reply:No, but are you busy this afternoon? I'd love for my house to be THAT clean!! lol
Reply:Only if you were coming over, Fro, would I clean it that well in your honor....anyone else, take it as it is!

Reply:doesn't happen here.
Reply:I have, but never here. It doesn't stay clean long enough.
Reply:lol cant say as i have
Reply:no, my house never looks that good!!
Reply:heck yes' It happens around my home' Every week.We get lots of rain here.And I hate a messy home

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