Saturday, October 24, 2009

Can you get a sinus infection from cleaning products. I had a job cleaning houses and used a lot of cleaning?

products. One day after cleaning I felt like the chemicals were in my throat and I began to loose my voice. I tried vicks vapor rub and tylanol cold but it only helped for a little while. I started to get a fever of about 101.0 and sweat in my sleep. I went to the doc and they gave me penicillin and told me I had a sinus infection. I took the medicine and I felt better. Can you get a sinus infection from cleaning products?
Can you get a sinus infection from cleaning products. I had a job cleaning houses and used a lot of cleaning?
an infection is caused by a virus or bacteria. if you think that you've irritated your sinuses, get rid of the products, drink lotsa water, and follow up with your doctor.
Reply:chemicals are irritants you cant get an infection from them but the dirt and dust you were cleaning can cause it.
Reply:u get a sinus infection from a virus not chemicals,,, they irritate not infect

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