Saturday, October 24, 2009

What is the best way to clean your system of maryjane? So many jobs require a urinalysis these days.?

The detection time in urine depends on the frequency of use. One-time smokers may be safe after a few days, whereas habitual smokers may take several weeks (a month or more) to be in the clear.

THC is stored in your body's fatty tissues. If you want to burn fat and lose some of the stored THC, cardiovascular exercise is recommended; however, you should burn as little fat as possible in the days immediately preceding a test if you want to go undetected.

Do NOT rely on "system cleansing" products sold online or at smoke shops. Drink LOTS of water before your test, and take a B vitamin to give it the nice yellow color they want. Never give them your first urination of the day, and if possible, make sure the sample comes from the middle of the stream rather than the beginning or end.

Obviously, the best way to pass a drug test is to stop using substances altogether for a month or two prior to the test. Hopefully that will satisfy the Piss Police and you'll be left alone after that to do as you please. Good luck!
What is the best way to clean your system of maryjane? So many jobs require a urinalysis these days.?
do you want to spend the rest of your life smoking this garbage ? Report Abuse

Reply:ehrm..I hope you haven't smoked it for a year or more, because according to Judge Judy, it stays in your system for 8 months. But that's just in your hair i think it only stays in your body for 3 days, so - watch cartoons at home for a few days and then go get the interviews and enjoy peeing in that cup and pray no one requests a hair analysis.
Reply:The best way to clean it out? Stop smoking it!!
Reply:Drink tons of water and juice.
Reply:The body stores evidence of marijuana for several months. A hair follicle test can even tell when last you took it; as far down as it is found in the hair strand. Most of the time urinalysis is only used for immediate checking. The effects of the drug can be seen for at least 24 hours and more like 48 for urine tests. Nothing you can do about it.
Reply:zales.. look it up its about 30 bucks a pop
Reply:um how about you dont do it at all
Reply:If you go to a health food store and tell them what you are looking for they are usually pretty help full in showing you different things that work, It just all matters how much you want to spend. And from what I've been told they work.
Reply:simple. Stop smoking it.
Reply:You can't. People will tell you there are products out there, but if an employer decides to do a hair follicle test, your cooked, cause it stays in hair follicles for several years! Best bet is to stop the stuff.

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