Saturday, November 7, 2009

No motivation. I don't care about doing my job, getting any work done or doing anything. Cleaning at home,

working out. Things I need to do. I dont care.

I am taking lexapro at night for anxiety.

How can I get motivated to get stuff done? And why don't I care?

I seem pretty happy, what is my problem?
No motivation. I don't care about doing my job, getting any work done or doing anything. Cleaning at home,
Your in a slump - you need to find anything that will motivate you. It could be as simple as a dress you see in a magazie you want to wear, or as serious as wanting to help change your community. You just to find it. If your already seeing a dr. and they've prescribed something tell them it's not working. Go to group sessions, take inspiration to change anywhere you can find it. Good luck.
Reply:You should let your anxiety give you energy to get things done. Many a artist or musician was driven by anxiety and all the energy it brought with it. take away the anxiety and they become a couch potato like everyone else. You can use it to your advantage, you can control the power that anxiety brings with it. The meds are sapping you.
Reply:Side-effect of the Lexapro (an SSRI), often it creeps up as a long-term side-effect.

Lethargy %26amp; apathy - long term side-effects of SSRI antidepressants. Here's a link from long ago, showing this is not a new phenomenon.
Reply:Try drinking some coffee.
Reply:That's the Lexapro - a standard side effect is lack of drive, motivation, etc. It is an inhibitor and not only alleviates the stress it blocks everything. The dosage may be too high talk to your Dr about reducing the dose or even changing the medicine. You should be aware that chemical blockers should only be used while in therapy so the dosage can be adjusted as you work through the issue and eventually get off the medication. If you aren't in treatment the medicine will do you very little good. Good Luck!
Reply:i know how you is very hard, to get motivated sometimes...especially if you have sadness all around you...something is making you lose your lust for life.It is so hard to get going sometimes,...until you look around you, and see that you have it so much better than others..the only thing that gets me up sometimes, the drive to try to show others who I really am, in the face of their blasphemous lies....that always gets me going
Reply:You can try 1500mg of DL-Phenylalanine in the mornings. You can get it at Vitamin Shoppe.
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