Saturday, November 7, 2009

I tried to apply a job but it seems that I am not lucky. For now I' doing a house cleaning for 2 hrs at 12.50

per hr for 3 days. Do you think its a good deal for now?
I tried to apply a job but it seems that I am not lucky. For now I' doing a house cleaning for 2 hrs at 12.50
If you are only working 3 days a week, that leaves at least 2 days that you can spend looking for something better. What you are doing now is building your resume. If you can show that you toughed it out and worked a stinky job for a while, it shows a good work ethic and that will be smiled on when you are looking for something else.
Reply:You could make more at Walmart. It doesn't sound good to me.
Reply:try doing something from home.

I work with a bbb accredited home wellness company. Basically all they do is provide products that are good for your health and it's stuff you use every day. Instead of buying from the store you just buy from them. They have weight loss, beauty, things like that except its all natural and doesnt polute the earth. I like the energy vitamins myself. But anyways Im a stay at home mom who is in college so this is what I do for now. feel free to email me and just ask for more info!

Thanks! April B
Reply:It depends on how old you are and what bills you have to pay. Keep it for now but keep looking.

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