Saturday, November 7, 2009

Hi. How can I find a job as a housekeeper(cleaning sercices) in New Orleans??But no

I did some searching for housekeeper/cleaning services in New Orleans, and it is tough to find those listings in that location.

I think that your best search terms might be "cleaning lady" or "domestic help" rather than "housekeeper" if you want to focus on working in homes rather than other kinds of residences. - - is an "aggregator" site that pulls jobs off of job sites, like Monster, CareerBuilder, (sorry) Craig's List, and the local newspaper's help wanted classifieds.

Local online help wanted ads from The Times-Picayune are at

There are over 100 Louisiana-specific employers and job search resources listed on's Louisiana page - - including medical, education, and government employers.

Colleges with dormitories, hospitals and nursing homes with significant cleaning requirements, and government offices might represent good employment options for you until the need for domestic help recovers.

And the casinos which seem to be making an excellent recovery from Katrina might also offer good options for you since many have hotel rooms and other facilities that need regular cleaning.

Good luck!
greek name

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