Saturday, November 7, 2009

I am thinking about quiting a job sitting down, but I don't like, and doing a contract cleaning I feel happier

I have been on this job for a little over two year its production. I am one of those strange people that can enjoy cleaning and having time for the things I need to do
I am thinking about quiting a job sitting down, but I don't like, and doing a contract cleaning I feel happier
I've done restaurant cleaning and I really like the job for a couple reasons. The guy before me was being paid $8/hour but was stoned so he did a bad job and took four hours and I managed to do the job for $25/day and it took me an hour and a half.

I also did cleaning for an industrial bakery and that was also a good gig. The good thing about cleaning is you don't have a clock to watch and you make more the faster you work.

If cleaning makes you happy do it!!!

just be sure that the money will be equal or better if that is your only income. Good luck with all you decide.

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