Saturday, November 7, 2009

I keep the house clean for my mother that works 2 jobs, is there something wrong with me do i have OCD?

Can I adopt you? There is nothing wrong with you. You sound wonderful.
I keep the house clean for my mother that works 2 jobs, is there something wrong with me do i have OCD?

If YOU know what it is to work to clean someone thing and you get upset when people trash it.. that is normal to be pissed. If you sterilize the doorknobs 5 times a day.. that is ocd.

You clearly have empathy for mom .. meaning ability to care about and understand how someone else feels. That, dear.. is a TALENT and quality.
Reply:What makes you think you have OCD?

If your mother is working all the time, and you're helping keep the house clean, it sounds more like you're being a good son/daughter and helping around the house because you know she doesn't have the time.
Reply:No. You're just helping out. That's not OCD.

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