Saturday, November 7, 2009

Who in your family has the job of cleaning the toilet?

...I do :-P
Who in your family has the job of cleaning the toilet?
our dog
Reply:i do
Reply:That would be me!
Reply:my wife does it most of the time
Reply:this lady that clean my house.

her name is yolam.
Reply:I'm it so I poop, I scoop!
Reply:me, rather do that than the dishes
Reply:my sisters n I. we all take turns on bathroom cleaning days in our bathroom probably my mom in hers n my dads bathroom. The other 3 bathrooms idk.
Reply:Yeah, it's muggings here! That's my job!
Reply:I do!!
Reply:Me and it sucks. Although, at least then I know it is clean.
Reply:my son cleans his bathroom and I clean the other 2.

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