Saturday, November 7, 2009

I live in California, I just lost a job, pool cleaner look promising for family income?

is anybody know how to open pool cleaner business in CA ? do I need a class/Training ? where should I get it ?
I live in California, I just lost a job, pool cleaner look promising for family income?
Since you've never been in business before, I would strongly recommend that you talk to a business counselor before you do anything especially spend money. You have to determine whether you'll start a web based business or one with a store front. I'd call the local California office of SCORE (go to and input your zip code to find the chapter nearest you), the advice is FREE.

The counselor at SCORE will most likely advise you to write a business plan which is very good advice because it will force you to dig out all of the start up details and the costs of starting a pool cleaning business and force you to also understand all of the aspects of this business including the customers you'll concentrate on (your market ) and how you'll go after them.

You'll need to register the business with your state controller's office and make sure that you have any city and county licenses if any are needed where you live. All of this will come out in a business plan.

Try this link : and read some of the articles especially the ones about a business plan and starting a business.

Good Luck
Reply:I think one of the requirements is owning a Toyota trucks, I aways see pool guys in my area driving them.

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