Saturday, November 7, 2009

Do women have more jobs than men Like they have the babies, work outside the home , housework, cooking , clean

How is that at splitting everything 50% ? You cannot add if you think that is equal?
Do women have more jobs than men Like they have the babies, work outside the home , housework, cooking , clean
Absolutely right! Men think they work hard having a job outside of the home. Let them try having a job outside of the home, then come home to children, need to cook, help with homework, do laundry then put the kids to bed, prepare for the next day, then start all over again trying to get everyone else ready for the coming day, and try to look good in the mean time. It all goes back to the old adage, "A man works from sun to sun, a woman's work is never done."
Reply:The only thing my wife did that I have not taken equal share in is give birth... we do share housework, we do share cooking, we do share taking care of the kids and we do share laundry...

Oh...I kill the damn spiders too, she refuses too...
Reply:Women have the baby's, but they also get all the credit.

70% of married couples are in the job market, and share in

all the responsibilities. There're many stay at home husbands

who do the housework, cooking, cleaning and changing the

diapers and all. so lets not so feministic. Merry Christmas to

you too. *~%26lt;}:-})%26gt;
Reply:no one is forcing women to do those things. they are free to do them or not as they chose, its up to them to decide. No one forces a women to have a baby, get a job, clean. Women don't have to if they don't want to.
Reply:Lol...women just have to be smarter and stop doing things and men get the message. If you do it, they figure ok, so it's done.
Reply:yes women have more thing to do what they use to say is a women job is never done
Reply:hey , yall are the ones who wanted the damn babies , not us so dont complain. we told you we should just get a dog instead but u didnt want to listen.
Reply:Yes, most women have more responsibilities than most males, especially in the domestic realm. However, I believe it is important for the couple to accept the value of of a stay at home parent for their children. The security and availability to kids of a constant parent has a lot to do with how they function at school, and eventually society. I think that the value of "things" have diminished the quality of family life. Living in a bigger home, having a status car, trying to display income that really doesn't exist, and the encouragement for kids to be involved in a lot of extracaricular activities are not positives. If a couple would honestly assess the cost of, usually the wife, that is needed, and contrasts to the actual financial gain her income nets, it will surprise them. There is the cost of a new model car, the cost of gas needed to commute, the cost of the wardrobe most women need to dress in a fashionable way, the extra taxes that extra income will necessitate, the cost of fast food because both parents are both worn out from the time required for the job and commute, and the loss of guidance missing from their kids' life. If it is at all feasible, the parent who provides the greater income is the one who should work, and the other parent should be the homemaker. There is no negative view of guys who are househusbands. They do things differently, but the most valuable thing is the enforcement of the acceptable behavior of the kids. So y'all, think about this.
Reply:Maybe i do agree on that one, because here in the Philippines, women almost have more jobs than any men do. especially factories and stuff, it's easier for women to have jobs because managers think that women are efficient in terms of working. working at home is just plain additional jobs.
Reply:Sorry--you well have to take this up with nature--or God
Reply:hell yeah! i have 4 kids,hubby,dog and a part time job!! i have no time for me till its late at night like now!
Reply:I think that women do have more jobs and responsibility in North America. There are families that split things 50%, but it is still common that a women do a lot. I personally can not seeing myself doing all that, my husband (if I get married) and I would have to figure out how to split things equally.
Reply:I'm not sure if I'm answering your question right, but women who do have children have more job like duties to do, especially if they work outside the home. To make things equal with your spouse/partner, is to see who works more hours outside the home, and whoever works less hours outside the home, should do a little more inside the home ie: attending to the children, clean, cook or whatever, so it compensates the hours that your other half is doing at work. Keeping things equal takes time to plan and work. Thats just what I think
children names

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