Saturday, November 7, 2009

What are some good ideas to make cleaning the septic tank a fun job for my 10 &11 year old niece and nephew?

Bahahahaha who are you kidding....

Tell them it leads to the magical land of Narnia.
What are some good ideas to make cleaning the septic tank a fun job for my 10 %26amp;11 year old niece and nephew?
have a reward for them after it...if you know they wont fall for the reward, tell them its a surprise and don't reveal it until after. haha good question
Reply:Tell them they're cleaning the Hershey tunnel.
Reply:Dress them up in SCUBA gear and tell them they are taking pictures for the National Geographic.
Reply:Based on your question I'm sure you will have no problem threatening to beat them if they don't do it.

Just run your kids through fear, works every time.
Reply:pay them and pay them well, this is some horrible work to have kids do.
Reply:Throw Gold coins in and tell the kids they can have whateva they find....xx
Reply:flush a bunch of skittles and have a scavenger hunt

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