Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Don't you just LOVE it when you've been cleaning (and done a good job) and your husband...?

walks in from work and shouts "F ** k, we''ve been BURGLED"!!


What does your 'significant other' do to wind YOU up?
Don't you just LOVE it when you've been cleaning (and done a good job) and your husband...?
If I am fed up with him for a legitimate reason and he says

Is it your time of the month

Reply:I hate it when he comes home and I've been slaving away (mainly on Answers) but done tidying up etc and he says - 'what have you been doing all day?'

Or I'm sitting watching TV and he comes in, picks up remote and changes channel!!

Typical man!
Reply:he doesn't do that. he just ignores it and walks around in his boots anyway
Reply:he gives me a surprised look and says: "wow, it's about time" and then starts looking at every single detail in the house so that he can point out if i missed anything. *rolling eyes*

Im just not the cleaning type of person, but when i DO do it, i do a god damn good job of it! I just wanna get it all done at once.
Reply:lol thats soo funny my partner doesnt dare wind me up (i say im hormonal 26 days a month lol)
Reply:I clean all day and my husband doesn't even notice. I hate that. I bust my a** and he comes home and throws his stuff all over and plops down on the couch and I get no recognition. Or even worse, when something needs to be cleaned, he tells me or calls me over to point it out instead of taking care of it himself.
Reply:Im lucky my hubby helps with everything around the house.That includes Ironing.
Reply:even though i don't have a husband (i have a wife), i'll answer the 2nd part to your question...

it kinda winds me up when i come home after working 10 hours a day, there is no "thank you for going to work to pay the bills", but instead holding a baby to me, saying "it's your turn" until our baby goes to bed, and then criticizing me on how i'm taking care of our baby incorrectly. but when i ask questions on how to do it the correct way, i'm told that i'm questioning and undermining my wife. who has chosen to stay home, btw.

it's a little frustrating. but what do i know, i'm just a stupid man. i'll "never be able to give birth", so that automatically makes me a 2nd class citizen. i should always apologize for what's between my legs.
Reply:Not notice that I've cleaned.... ugh....

Reply:dont get me started!!!!
Reply:One time I cleaned the house top to bottom and cooked my husband his favorite meal (shrimp scampi and steak with baked potatoes and asparagus). He came in, looked around, looked at the table and put his hand on his forehead like he was checking my temperature..

Silly man.
Reply:I cleaned the house to perfection and he didn't have a reason to complain about the house as usual so he decided to yell about the yard and the van
Reply:my hubby waits for me to clean the bathroom then he goes into it floods it leaves wet towels all over the floor, still love him to peices though ( sad)
Reply:I spend all day making a meal, a special meal for him, something he likes and he either doesn't want to to eat because he isn't hungry, he will eat after he sleeps, something isn't done to his satisfaction, or he will eat but when I ask him if he likes it he say "it's ok".

He will ignore me for days on end and only talks to me when he wants to *****. He threatens divorce but when I mentioned it to him last Xmas he was dumbfounded.

He takes the used towels in the bathroom and dries them and puts them back in the closet.

He comes home from work filthy and doesn't shower and then goes to bed on the nice clean sheets I just washed.

He won't go to the dentist and refuses to go to the doctor when he is sick and then complains because he is sick.

Comes home from work whenever he has a mind to and expects me to have his supper on the table and ready to eat at a moments notice.

I bet you are sorry you asked this question!
Reply:I don't have a husband. BUT WAAAAAAAAHAHA THAT DOES WIND ME UP!
Reply:After I spend ages getting ready for a night out, best clothes, hair and makeup done, my boyfriend ALWAYS says "you not getting ready to go out then?"
Reply:My boyfriend moves everything, i always do the majority of cleaning but he moves everything . I put things in places where i can find them but he always moves things and forgets where hes put them!! Also he farts in bed and wafts the covers!!
Reply:i havent got a husband i have a wife and i wish she would clean the house
Reply:he dosent realise i clean at all ...he think things get clean by the cleaning fairy ( in he's word )... as stupid as it sound i wonder if he actually believe in it sometimes ???? when something is dirty he just tell me and thinks i will tell it to the cleaning fairy !!!!
Reply:I cleaned my front wondows today and come in and he went '' you made it look worse'' I was not happy xx
Reply:He never says anything till I say "Look at the house." He does not act very surprised and says "Uh huh."


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