Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Do you believe it is the women's job to cook Christmas dinner and clean it up afterwards?

I think so because women love the bonding time cleaning up together and also cooking meals that everyone enjoys.
Do you believe it is the women's job to cook Christmas dinner and clean it up afterwards?
I've never thought that way. I have prepared holiday dinners over the years and it hasn't bothered me. It all depends on the household.
Reply:My husband is an awesome cook, and the food I make kills people. I mean, he's Maori, and he puts ketchup on everything (he calls it 'tomato sauce') but everything he makes is unbelievably good.

If he cooks, I will wash dishes. That's the deal

(Although I am going to sit down for a while before I start.)
Reply:Sure, why not. I'll cook the dinner and clean it up, you just aren't going to get to eat it. I mean, how can you when your face is pressed against the window because your chauvinist *** was thrown out. Glad my husband isn't an ignorant **** like you.
Reply:not necessarily, but all the women I've been around seem to like to do the cooking and cleaning up afterward. We still have some men who chip in too, they usually do the heavy work.
Reply:In my family, the men are cooks, with both my uncle and my father having been professional cooks in different capacities. So we make sure the women stay in the living room and out of the kitchen. :)
Reply:you are way out of line if you believe that...it's fine if the woman wants to do it, but it shouldn't be "her job". If your a real man you would help out with the cooking and cleaning
Reply:Yes is woman's work. Also woman must make baby and clean house.

Woman is to be silent also.
Reply:I think that whoever wants to cook should cook, whether it's a man or a woman. Everyone should do their part in cleaning up.
Reply:I don't mind cooking. Today it's just me and my husband so I put a beef stew in the crock pot and will make dumplings later. Yum!
Reply:Male chauvinist pig
Reply:Only if the men do it too.
Reply:Not in my house.....they guys do all the cleaning up. They serve the food as well.
Reply:lol where is the yes if it is 1930 guy
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