Saturday, October 24, 2009

Can a person who is not a citizen of canada clean someones house or do other side jobs get in trouble?

If they have a visa that allows work it's OK, such as a Tn or permanent resident.

If it's a visitors visa, student, or no visa, then they can't even legally get a case of beer for helping you move. Any form of compensation for any kind of work is considered illegal.
Can a person who is not a citizen of canada clean someones house or do other side jobs get in trouble?
im not a ctizen of canada and i fear getting deported all the time only thing i do is keep my mouth shut and if they ask to see a sin card just tell them minor details about your situation but for me i paint and i make 15 dollars an hour and i work full time 40 hours a week but yeah even tho im american i just keep my mouth shut
Reply:You can of course get in trouble and deported.

but as he said above keep a low profile, and get paid cash

Lots of Canadians are working for cash to avoid the taxes, so no big difference.
Reply:anyone that works illegally should get deported and will if caught
exotic names

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